
Dis­cour­ses are plan­ned and gui­ded com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on ses­si­ons which ser­ve to impro­ve the under­stan­ding of dif­fe­rent points of view and the inte­rests of tho­se invol­ved. Through dis­cour­ses new insights and thus the readi­ness for new action come into being. They are the decisi­ve vehi­cle for the suc­cess of chan­ge pro­ces­ses wit­hin com­pa­nies.

consens con­duc­ts dis­cour­ses in dif­fe­rent set­tings and with dif­fe­rent objec­tives. At the fore­front is the aim of sharing the prot­ago­nists’ thoughts and fin­ding points of approach to an under­stan­ding of the joint opti­ons for action bet­ween them.

In many cases consens uses the methods deve­lo­ped by Meta­plan® for mode­ra­ting events aimed at mutu­al under­stan­ding. They help to pro­mo­te dis­cus­sion of topics which are com­plex and a source of con­tro­ver­sy open­ly and wit­hout dif­fi­dence. Through visua­li­za­ti­on of what is said, the thread of con­ver­sa­ti­on always remains clear. The rules for inter­ac­tion are few but effec­tive and ensu­re that all tho­se con­cer­ned can have a say wit­hout losing sight of the cen­tral the­me. Minu­te plan­ning of the dis­cus­sion pro­cess in advan­ce ensu­res that tar­gets remain in focus and topics are pro­ces­sed one after ano­t­her in a mea­ning­ful way.