Arag Rechtsschutz
Armstrong World Industries
Audi und VW Servicepartner
Behr Automotive
BMW Group
BMW Vertriebs- und Service Partner
Carl Zeiss Meditech
Deutsche Unilever
Ford Werke
Fresenius Medical Care
Industriekreditbank (IKB)
Thüringer Energie
Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer (VDMA)
Coordination of series preparation
Industry: Automotive Supplier
Mission: To find a common approach for the use of production and test facilities in parallel start-up projects.
Contribution: Preparation and moderation of group sessions, coaching of the project manager, conflict management.
Optimization of change management
Industry: Automotive Supplier
Mission: Reduction of lead times for change requests and the number of changes.
Contributions: Research, analysis, conception, Consultancy of Management.
Standardization of technical operating resources
Industry: Automotive Supplier
Mission: To reduce costs for plant engineering by introducing standards for production facilities and equipment.
Contributions: Research, conception, preparation and moderation of group sessions, coaching of the project manager, conflict management.
From training to human resources development
Industry: Automotive Supplier
Mission: Concept design for implementing human resources development — content process.
Contributions: Research, conception, preparation and moderation of group sessions. Consultancy on methods and contents.
Offensive 2000 — cost and quality
Industry: Automotive Supplier
Mission: To establish management structures and processes in order to cope with problems due to dynamic growth.
Contributions: Continuous process support in building up management and leadership instruments, consultancy for Management.
Reengineering product and process development
Industry: Automotive Supplier
Mission: To realign the organizational structure from “Function” to “Product and Customer Orientation”.
Contributions: Development and implementation of organizational concepts, coaching of project teams, Moderation of workshops, consultancy for management.
Consultancy of simultaneous engineering teams
Industry: Automotive Supplier
Mission: To implement the idea of simultaneous engineering in development projects.
Contributions: Preparation and moderation of project planning workshops, training in project management, coaching of the project manager, development of standardized procedures for project planning.
Simultaneous Engineering (SE)
Industry: Automotive Supplier
Mission: Implementation of organizational processes and structures to support simultaneous engineering of products and their manufacturing.
Contributions: Development and implementation of organizational concepts, coaching of project teams, Moderation of workshops, consultancy for management.
Optimization of engine tests
Industry: Car Manufacturer
Mission: To adapt engine tests to changing requirements and to develop more efficient and valid test procedures.
Contributions: Expert interviews, Moderation of workshops.
Strategy development for European factory transport
Industry: Car Manufacturer
Mission: To assess the competiveness of the manufacturer’s truck fleet under the constraint of deregulation of tariffs and trade barriers: development of scenarios.
Contributions: Moderation of workshops, preparation of project team meetings, coaching of project manager.
Future of the automobile
Industry: Car Manufacturer
Mission: System study on the cross-linking of the automotive industry with ecological, economic and political systems and its adaptability to future trends and challenges.
Contributions: Internal coordination, system and scenario analysis.
Product development process
Industry: Car Manufacturer
Mission: To implement proceedings of systems engineering in the development of electronic car systems and components in order to prevent failures and achieve higher maturity levels in the context of CMMI (Capability and maturity model integration). CMMI is a framework that defines and measures the fulfilment of standards in systems engineering.
Contributions: Support of roll-out management for the sub process “requirements management” especially for air conditioning systems. Development and realization of communication and training plans.
Quality Management
Industry: Car trade and service
Mission: To implement process and quality management at 24 car dealers (42 premises) in order to improve customer satisfaction and profitability.
Contributions: Business and process analyses, process redesign, project management, leadership coaching.
Rating accordings to Basel II requirements
Industry: Car Trade and Service
Mission: To create a rating groundwork for car dealerships in order to improve their credit standing at credit institutions and investors.
Contributions: Analysis and processing of company information, analysis and interpretation of balance sheet rations, preparation of bank negotiations.
Electronic Service Information for car dealer workshops
Industry: Car Trade and Service
Mission: Improve the mechanics’ skills in using electronic service information for the purpose of car repair and maintenance.
Contributions: Moderation and training on the shop floor (45 service premises).
Career concept for the “company financing” business area
Industry: Bank
Mission: To develop a new concept for career paths in the credit sales unit and the credit function unit.
Contributions: Concept development, internal coordination between the board, senior staff and planning & organization.
Personal development process
Industry: Bank
Mission: Design of human resources development process.
Contributions: Development of concept and processes.
Introduction of semi-autonomous production teams
Industry: Transportation and Storage
Mission: To develop a tailor made concept for the company.
Contributions: Internal explorations, workshops moderation, concept editing.
Implementation of a standard insurance software
Industry: Insurance
Mission: Create a requirements catalog based on internal alignment of stakeholders.
Contributions: Internal explorations, workshop moderation, concept editing, coaching of project manager.
New performance rating procedures
Industry: Insurance
Mission: Concept for linking performance ratings, target agreements and success based pay components.
Contributions: Explorations and concept development.
Redesign of processing and storing insurance applications
Industry: Insurance
Mission: Design of a new integrated workflow based on online processing of insurance applications.
Contributions: Stakeholder alignment, internal stakeholder explorations, moderation of workshops, process mapping and analysis, requirements management, editing of concepts.
Sales force compensation
Industry: Insurance
Mission: Functional concept for software designed for calculating sales bonuses.
Contributions: Stakeholder alignment, international stakeholder explorations, moderation of workshops, process mapping and analysis, requirements management, editing of concepts.
Customer orientation in the business place
Industry: Car Manufacturer
Mission: To improve customer orientation of sales zone managers and car dealers.
Contributions: Trainings and workshops with sales zone managers and var dealers staff.