
consens uses dif­fe­rent tools in its advi­so­ry ser­vices to com­pa­nies.

Becau­se mutu­al under­stan­ding is the pre­re­qui­si­te for suc­cess­ful action, dis­cour­ses — plan­ned dis­cus­sions in which the prot­ago­nists sound out their ave­nues of action and deter­mi­ne stra­te­gies — are the band that runs through all sta­ges of a con­sul­tan­cy job car­ri­ed out by consens.

In order to be able to plan dis­cour­ses, consens needs a view of the pro­blems and con­tro­ver­si­al issu­es to be sol­ved and gets it with the help of ana­ly­ses. consens deve­lops con­cepts with the aim of pro­mo­ting dis­cour­ses. They are plan­ned in such a way that they sti­mu­la­te fol­low-up ques­ti­ons and dis­cus­sion.

Once con­cepts have beco­me agreed-upon stra­te­gies, they must be con­ver­ted into action. Whe­re this is achiev­a­ble not only through new princi­ples and pro­ce­du­res, but employees must also be con­vin­ced and qua­li­fied, consens sup­ports its cli­ent by desi­gning and car­ry­ing out semi­nars, trai­ning ses­si­ons, and coa­ching.





