Areas of Activity
The Consens Core –
Broaden Perspectives
consens provides support to companies in four areas of action — Company Development, Personnel Development, Project Management, and Process Optimization — and combines consultancy approaches from various disciplines in doing so.
Business management instruments are a diagnostic means of identifying the situation in which a company find itself. They are essential for determining the activities and products with which money is earned and whether resources are being used in an (economically) sensible manner. They reveal areas where action is required, but fall short of the mark when it is a question of developing meaningful and practicable perspectives for change. This requires a more comprehensive view of a company.
Companies are not smoothly functioning gear systems in which a unified will is implemented more or less seamlessly from the top downwards. Rather, they are the scene of interactions aimed at achieving professional interests and asserting views. Organisational-sociological approaches to consultancy direct attention to how a balance of interests and views can be brought about.
Staff and management personnel themselves often approach managers with the expectation that the latter should not only set targets but also be in a position to derive from the targets compelling strategies and plans which are above all doubt. Organizational-psychological approaches to problem-solving and decision-making make clear why it is not due to the inability of individual persons when this expectation all too often meets with disappointment, and the causes are to be sought in basic limitations of the human ability to process information and to solve problems.
The central issue in company development is to rethink targets, strategies and processes, to question them and to develop new perspectives.
consens supports the communication processes leading to the desired target. In doing so, consens identifies the protagonists who are involved in the process and plans with them the steps and forms in which this is to take place.
consens moderates workshops and events to integrate the protagonists involved.
Personnel development is a systematic process that begins with the selection of suitable employees and ends when they leave the company. Of central importance is the promotion and exploitation of the potentials of each and every employee.
This requires suitable structures within the company, suitable methods and instruments and the ability to apply these.
consens advises you both regarding the buildup of the required structures and also in application of the methods and instruments of personnel development.
In Project Management targets and ideas are transferred from the concept stage to reality. This requires a longer process which must be carefully planned, along with changes in structures, processes, systems, and not least: the design of the change process itself must be coordinated.
consens supports you with broad-based problem analysis in which all relevant protagonists participate. consens helps in the formulation of project commissions which can be communicated over a broad basis within the company.
The carefully thought-out involvement of relevant protagonists ensures that at the end it is not the results of one-sided wishful thinking which stand finished but rather implementable work packages and actions.
During the further process, consens provides support in guiding the project and particularly also in the shaping of interactive and communicative events when it is important to involve relevant protagonists episodically or continuously in the project planning and implementation.
In Process Optimization the focus is on company processes and their improvement. When problems are recurrent and can only be cushioned by special efforts and commitment of the employees, long-term customer satisfaction is endangered. That is the right time to subject the current process organization to scrutiny and adapt it to changed circumstances and challenges.
Here too, foremost is that the issue is not the one inspiring idea which no one has hit on before. In most cases the issue is to elevate already existing views by means of a sensible work structure and to involve the representatives of these views in discussion with one another. The principles and agreements which remain at the end of this communicative process do not correspond as a rule to the ideal of the single best way, but have a real chance of truly being implemented.
consens designs projects for process optimization in such a way that down-to-earth logic, communication and mediation are in a balanced relationship with each other.