Areas of Activity

The Consens Core –
Broaden Perspectives

consens pro­vi­des sup­port to com­pa­nies in four are­as of action — Com­pa­ny Deve­lop­ment, Per­son­nel Deve­lop­ment, Pro­ject Manage­ment, and Pro­cess Opti­mi­za­ti­on — and com­bi­nes con­sul­tan­cy approa­ches from various disci­pli­nes in doing so.

Busi­ness manage­ment instru­ments are a dia­gnostic means of iden­ti­fy­ing the situa­ti­on in which a com­pa­ny find its­elf. They are essen­ti­al for deter­mi­ning the activi­ties and pro­duc­ts with which money is ear­ned and whe­ther resour­ces are being used in an (eco­no­mi­c­al­ly) sen­si­ble man­ner. They reveal are­as whe­re action is requi­red, but fall short of the mark when it is a ques­ti­on of deve­lo­ping mea­ning­ful and prac­ti­ca­ble per­spec­tives for chan­ge. This requi­res a more com­pre­hen­si­ve view of a com­pa­ny.

Com­pa­nies are not smooth­ly func­tio­n­ing gear sys­tems in which a uni­fied will is imple­men­ted more or less seam­less­ly from the top down­wards. Rather, they are the sce­ne of inter­ac­tions aimed at achie­ving pro­fes­sio­nal inte­rests and asser­ting views. Orga­ni­sa­tio­nal-socio­lo­gi­cal approa­ches to con­sul­tan­cy direct atten­ti­on to how a balan­ce of inte­rests and views can be brought about.

Staff and manage­ment per­son­nel them­sel­ves often approach mana­gers with the expec­ta­ti­on that the lat­ter should not only set tar­gets but also be in a posi­ti­on to deri­ve from the tar­gets com­pel­ling stra­te­gies and plans which are above all doubt. Orga­ni­za­tio­nal-psy­cho­lo­gi­cal approa­ches to pro­blem-sol­ving and decisi­on-making make clear why it is not due to the ina­bi­li­ty of indi­vi­du­al per­sons when this expec­ta­ti­on all too often meets with disap­point­ment, and the cau­ses are to be sought in basic limi­ta­ti­ons of the human abi­li­ty to pro­cess infor­ma­ti­on and to sol­ve pro­blems.


The cen­tral issue in com­pa­ny deve­lop­ment is to rethink tar­gets, stra­te­gies and pro­ces­ses, to ques­ti­on them and to deve­lop new per­spec­tives.

consens sup­ports the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on pro­ces­ses lea­ding to the desi­red tar­get. In doing so, consens iden­ti­fies the prot­ago­nists who are invol­ved in the pro­cess and plans with them the steps and forms in which this is to take place.

consens mode­ra­tes work­shops and events to inte­gra­te the prot­ago­nists invol­ved.


Per­son­nel deve­lop­ment is a sys­te­ma­tic pro­cess that begins with the selec­tion of sui­ta­ble employees and ends when they lea­ve the com­pa­ny. Of cen­tral impor­t­an­ce is the pro­mo­ti­on and exploi­ta­ti­on of the poten­ti­als of each and every employee.

This requi­res sui­ta­ble struc­tures wit­hin the com­pa­ny, sui­ta­ble methods and instru­ments and the abi­li­ty to app­ly the­se.

consens advi­ses you both regar­ding the buil­dup of the requi­red struc­tures and also in app­li­ca­ti­on of the methods and instru­ments of per­son­nel deve­lop­ment.


In Pro­ject Manage­ment tar­gets and ide­as are trans­fer­red from the con­cept sta­ge to rea­li­ty. This requi­res a lon­ger pro­cess which must be care­ful­ly plan­ned, along with chan­ges in struc­tures, pro­ces­ses, sys­tems, and not least: the design of the chan­ge pro­cess its­elf must be coor­di­na­ted.

consens sup­ports you with broad-based pro­blem ana­ly­sis in which all rele­vant prot­ago­nists par­ti­ci­pa­te. consens helps in the for­mu­la­ti­on of pro­ject com­mis­si­ons which can be com­mu­ni­ca­ted over a broad basis wit­hin the com­pa­ny.
The care­ful­ly thought-out invol­ve­ment of rele­vant prot­ago­nists ensu­res that at the end it is not the results of one-sided wish­ful thin­king which stand finis­hed but rather imple­men­ta­ble work packa­ges and actions.

During the fur­ther pro­cess, consens pro­vi­des sup­port in gui­ding the pro­ject and par­ti­cu­lar­ly also in the sha­ping of inter­ac­tive and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve events when it is important to invol­ve rele­vant prot­ago­nists epi­so­di­cal­ly or con­ti­nuous­ly in the pro­ject plan­ning and imple­men­ta­ti­on.


In Pro­cess Opti­mi­za­ti­on the focus is on com­pa­ny pro­ces­ses and their impro­ve­ment. When pro­blems are recur­rent and can only be cushio­ned by spe­cial efforts and com­mit­ment of the employees, long-term custo­mer satis­fac­tion is end­an­ge­red. That is the right time to sub­ject the cur­rent pro­cess orga­ni­za­ti­on to scru­ti­ny and adapt it to chan­ged cir­cum­s­tan­ces and chal­len­ges.

Here too, fore­most is that the issue is not the one inspi­ring idea which no one has hit on befo­re. In most cases the issue is to ele­va­te alrea­dy exis­ting views by means of a sen­si­ble work struc­tu­re and to invol­ve the rep­re­sen­ta­ti­ves of the­se views in dis­cus­sion with one ano­t­her. The princi­ples and agree­ments which remain at the end of this com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve pro­cess do not cor­re­spond as a rule to the ide­al of the sin­gle best way, but have a real chan­ce of tru­ly being imple­men­ted.

consens designs pro­jec­ts for pro­cess opti­mi­za­ti­on in such a way that down-to-earth logic, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and media­ti­on are in a balan­ced rela­ti­ons­hip with each other.